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eSport - The gaming inquest

ESL created Spielerrat MSN
ESL currently experiencing many changes in the leagues and their own ranks - the admins. Currently, an MSN Spielerrat built what is still a few people missing. Now you have the chance to be part of the ESL admin team. A total of Spielerrat consists of ten members, of which seven can be chosen freely, the other three are from the previous admin team asked. By Spielerrat aims to bridge the gap between ideas and implementation of the community are closed, so you as a player with his ideas and concepts to these people can turn. Thus, the ESL support relief and a faster processing ensured.

To participate in this Spielerrat, you must be at least 16 years old, is an acceptable form of treatment and bring a little experience. The fluency and Ideenfreudigkeit in the past should not have been neglected, because this is one of the prerequisites of application counts. In addition, one application of the rules to which it on the ESL page to view them. Even more information on the application can be found there.

ENC'09-finals at the gamescom in Cologne
From 19 to 23 Of August the gamescom in a new round. When announced, the European Nations Championship in 2009 in Cologne. The Mecca of all gaming and eSport offers fans all kinds of information about video games and interactive entertainment. Altogether there are 15,000 euros prize money, representing ten national teams in four disciplines can grab.

The four disciplines that are offered on the gamescom gets are Warcraft 3, FIFA 2009, Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike 1.6. In the first three genres only the Grand Finals live, in the last discipline to measure even the best four nations together. Since the main round is already over and the playoffs in the starting blocks, is the tension hardly bearable, because the time between the playoffs and the finals is particularly high.

2008 met the gamer community in Leipzig, where the audience lots of exciting and unpredictable results to see. Especially exciting was the match in the FIFA finals, where Germany was beaten first time. In contrast, the Warcraft3 team but the first triumph. Also this year, the ENC-finals where the past year counterparts, so that all players and fans to an exciting weekend can look.

The motorsport magazine goes into the second round
As you might already have noticed, is now the second edition of the Motorsports magazine has been published. With this script, the ESL you about all the happenings in the portal information, including interviews and insider information has been gathered. That is not everything that the magazine has to offer. Additionally, it contains all the important details around the lines of knockout races coming from rFactor and Race07.

Even then sets the ESL another thing, because in addition, the last race in LiveforSpeed discussed in detail, including the Pre-Seasons Cup last week, went into the final race. As in the first version of the magazine Motorsport Philipp Theiner leads you through the events of the last 14 days. In the online portal you can look around, a lot about the latest information and also learn a lot.

In addition, the ESL is looking for this area even more admins. As always, you register for free at the ESL Page, if they have not previously done so, and bewerbt help you with the application form.

Electronic Sports League Graphics: element
Everyone can also help you! - Petition against the banning of Killerspiele

In recent weeks and months, has anybody noticed that there was a huge discussion about Killerspiele there. Now, just before the upcoming parliamentary elections, there will be serious for any gamer friends. Who has not even a first person shooter or action game played? Most of this is absolutely not about killing, on the contrary! Often played in associations and groups, called clans. These are the tactics and the fun in the foreground. Gamer communities often give an example, that one just as well with comic-like characters could rumrennen. This is what the politicians but not to heart. Again and again, especially in the last three months, that had to be shocked perceive that the German Parliament a complete ban Killerspiel want to enforce. Regarding the Amoklaufs Winnenden saw in the Interior of Lower Saxony, Uwe Schünemann (CDU) is especially important that a timely decision is taken.

The Electronic Sports League, which of course the offer of online games is alive, would now like to call all, such a ban and not to allow this demonstration to support them. To participate in this petition against the ban on killer games to participate, you have free on the side of the Bundestag and register you with the accompanying petition to enroll. However, in order to be sure that this call will fall on fertile ground, was on the ESL page another feature provided. With this letter to a Member of the Bundestag, the politicians should be, how serious the situation is. If you do not want that in the near term only with sports games can be fun, simply fill out this form made from the ESL.

As to the pages of the We Are One project also would change a lot when it comes to a complete ban on killer games coming, we're obviously not averse to it in this demonstration teilnehmt. With this ban would be a big part of the ESL disappear, so that a void of topics for the eSport - the gaming inquest Special (every Thursday) would prevail. We hope that a decision will be responsible for the majority of people is positive.

Registration page on the Bundestag
In Petition to Register
Members customize Letter
Visuals: Graphic ddp.de: element


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